BSU Library’s Interlibrary Loan service obtains materials from other libraries for use by currently affiliated BSU students, faculty, staff and emeriti faculty.
Materials not owned by the BSU Library, as well as materials owned but currently checked out, may be requested.
Email: | Phone: (218) 755-2968 (voicemail available)
Accessing Your Account
Your interlibrary loan requests can be managed through the Renew/Review My Checkouts service. This service provides information on the status of your request(s) and allows you to request a renewal from the lending library of your interlibrary loan material.
Submitting Requests
Each request method has different processes that must be followed and are detailed below.
Blank ILL request form
Use the blank form when you have the citation information of the material you want to request. Input as much citation information as possible to ensure the request is correctly filled. Access the blank form.
In the Library’s online databases
When viewing a citation in any of the Library’s online databases, click on BSU LINKS TO FULL TEXT to check for availability. If not available through the Library’s collections, you can request the material through interlibrary loan. To submit a request, under How to get it log in using your StarID and password and click Request via Interlibrary Loan.
In is the world’s largest library catalog and a great location to search for books, ebooks and AV materials. Find what you want, and click on the blue “View Access Options” button; then click on the access link next to “BSU Links to Full Text and Interlibrary Loan“, to check for availability. If not available through the Library’s collections, you can request the material through interlibrary loan. To submit a request, under How to get it log in using your StarID and password and click Request via Interlibrary Loan.
Loans Periods / Renewals / Overdues / Fines / Cost
Loan Periods
The loan period for ILLs is set by the lending library and varies anywhere between 4 weeks up to 4 months. Materials are due on the dates listed on the slip attached to your item.
Renewals for ILLs must be requested on or before the due date. Renewals on ILL materials are not automatic; the lending library makes the decision on whether to grant a renewal.
After a renewal is requested, you can keep an item in your possession until the lending library responds to the renewal request. If the lending library denies a renewal request, the item must be returned promptly. If the lending library accepts a renewal request, you will be given a new due date for your item.
Overdues and Fines
ILL items checked out to you are declared “Lost” 30 days after the due date has passed. This will result in your borrowing privileges being suspended and an $80.00 item replacement fee added to your BSU account. Your privileges will remain suspended and the replacement fee will remain on your BSU account until you:
- Return the item to the library, or
- Pay the replacement fee for the item
Prompt return of a lost item will result in charges being immediately cleared from your account, and your borrowing privileges being reinstated. There are no overdue fines accrued through the BSU Library.
All charges are billed against your BSU account, and payment is made in the Cashiers Office in Deputy Hall.
There is no cost to request or receive an ILL.
Notifications / Pickup / Delivery
After a request is placed, a digital item (article, book chapter) arrives, on average, in 24 hours. A physical material (full book, DVD, CD) arrives, on average, in 7 days. Materials not widely available can take up to 3 weeks to arrive. If we have questions about your request, we will email you at your BSU email account.
Notifications and Pickup
E-mail notices from the sender are sent when books or other loaned materials arrive. Pick up your materials at the BSU Library Circulation Desk during any hours the library is open. (Your valid BSU user identification card is required to check out these materials.)
Access to requested electronic materials (articles and book chapters) are emailed to your BSU email account via one of two senders: or In both cases, you will receive a link to a website and a Pin or Password to gain access to your requested material. We suggest retrieving and downloading your electronic material quickly; although the material is yours to keep, there are imposed limits to the number of downloads and amount of time the material is available to download.
If you are unable to pick up your requested ILL material from the library, we will mail your material to you. Request delivery by:
- Request an ILL as usual
- When the material arrives at the library, you receive an email with the subject line “Your requested item is available”
- Reply to this email notifying us that you’d like this material delivered along with your home address, dorm room or office number
- We will let you know when the material is in the mail
Special Service: The Bemidji Pioneer
As a special service to individuals, the staff of the BSU Interlibrary Loan Office fulfill requests for copies from The Bemidji Pioneer. The full-text of the Bemidji Daily Pioneer (1904-1922) is searchable and browseable via Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, a website hosted by the Library of Congress. The Bemidji Pioneer (1896-1903 inclusive) and the Daily Pioneer (1903-1904 inclusive) are also available through the Chronicling America website. All other dates are owned in microfilm format by Bemidji State University and are available for this special service. BSU Interlibrary Loan staff do not provide extensive research, but will search in up to ten issues for an item when given a particular or approximate date of publication. After a request is placed, it may take up to one week for it to be filled. Individuals may contact the BSU Interlibrary Loan staff directly at or (218) 755-2968 to request this service.
Need Help
The librarians at the Reference Desk can provide assistance in placing an interlibrary loan request, checking the status of a request and requesting a renewal. If you would like to speak with Interlibrary Loan staff in person, please ask at the Reference Desk.